Enhance Your Chances of Getting More Incentives by Staying Abreast of Altria’s DTP 2022 Tobacco Scan Data Guidelines Using an Automated FasTrax POS System

FasTrax POS Helps Tobacco Retailers Fulfill Requirements of All Three Tiers of ALTRIA DTP 2022.
According to Altria DTP, the following are the three tier’s requirements:
Tier 1 - Manage and submit Altria Tobacco Operating Company transaction level data (ATOC scan data) and all other tobacco scan data (AOT scan data) to earn scan data base incentives, retailer enablement incentives, consistent loyalty ID (CID) incentives, and scan data maintenance incentives. FasTrax POS helps retailers manage and report all required data directly to Altria to earn reimbursement automatically.
Tier 2 -
- Retailer digital platform available to adult tobacco consumer (ATC) 21+ (ex: mobile app).
- Age validation technology (AVT) at all points of purchase for tobacco products.
- Participated in Altria Tobacco Operating Company (ATOC) retail digital coupons.
- Executed ATOC offers via unbranded communications placed in the #1 position as determined by AGDC.
- Execute the ATOC responsible branded digital advertising requirements.
- Demonstrate the functionality to deliver ATC 21+ value to specific loyalty IDs (LIDs).
- Execute in-app digital advertisements for ATOC offers.
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Know What's Selling
Business owners can know which products are selling fast, track sales insights, and even identify buyer patterns with FasTrax POS loyalty solutions.
By using FasTrax POS loyalty solutions, you can also track and manage the tobacco scan data incentives for RJ Reynolds scan data programs. With API, information gets automatically stored and can converted anytime into a concise and easy-to-read report, therefore saving retailers time in manual report filing.

Operating a Lounge?
Are you tired of creating reports to avoid paying incentives to third-party firms? FasTrax POS loyalty solutions allow businesses to become eligible for receiving scan data incentives from manufacturers.
Track everything and record product movements and sales for accurate scan data reporting. As a result, businesses can earn incentives without being worried about their data tracking as the advanced loyalty solutions offered by FasTrax POS will manage everything.

Manage RJ Reynolds Tobacco Scan Data Programs with the FasTrax POS System
Scan Data Incentive Program
You can collect data while scanning products using the FasTrax POS system. It helps you provide manufacturers’ discounts as well as help you collect rebates from manufacturers. You can track and report RJ Reynolds product sales, calculate earned incentives automatically and submit the reports directly to the manufacturer.
RJ Reynolds Buydowns
Offers can be created and managed to provide extra discounts to loyal customers with RJ Reynolds buydowns. Carry out price changes and implement new schemes rolled out by manufacturers with FasTrax POS loyalty solutions.
Simply your cashiers’ work process!
Key Features
FasTrax scan data loyalty has numerous features that make the entire process and task of managing manufacturer scan data seamless. As a tobacco retailer with FasTrax POS, there’s no need to worry about your scan data loyalty incentives, and you don’t have to share your data to a third party either.
Make Changes without Interrupting the Operations
- Instantly implement the changes rolled out from corporate or manufacturers without disrupting the ongoing operations, having to restart the system, or exit the ongoing transaction.
- The Office Mode of FasTrax POS enables merchants to continuously carry on the sales transactions if there is a glitch in communication with the server or any other database issue.
Manage Products and Their Sales
- The unique feature of FasTrax scan data loyalty automatically converts cartons into packs for efficient inventory management.
- Manage, track, and process cigarette manufacturer coupons.
- Tools like Carton Counter and Manufacturer Carton Limiter helps you proficiently manage inventory.
- Keep track of products sold along with buydown items.
Implement Buydowns
- Set up buydown according to the time period the manufacturer is offering it and automatically start/end buydown.
- RJ Reynolds/Altria retail scan data reporting
- Track packs and cartons and automatically incorporate buydown prices.
Seamless Participation Process
- Participating in the Altria or RJ Reynolds scan data programs is simplified by our support team.
- Specialized reporting and data sharing tool for fast scan data reporting.
- Fast reporting enables you to earn manufacturer incentives.
Save Money and Secure Your Data
- FasTrax scan data loyalty empowers you to take care of your scan data procedures, and a result, there’s no need to go to any third-party.
- You don’t have to grant any third party access to your data.
- No need to pay others to handle your scan data loyalty.
- FasTrax POS offers scan data loyalty tools in our standard packages.
Don’t Miss Any Updates and Participate in All Programs
It is very important to keep yourself updated regarding changes in manufacturer guidelines and incentives. Through FasTrax POS’s unique tracking programs for scan data offered for tobacco retailers, you can stay in the loop and immediately implement new guidelines. With the automated FasTrax POS system, you can increase your inventory sales by offering multi-item discounts on tobacco, as well as improve sales by offering other brand/manufacturer discounts. You can also offer multi-can and multi-pack discounts with manufacturer buydowns on popular brand-name items.