Tired Of Faxing Around Timesheets To Track Clock In Clock Out And Manually Tallying Up Hours Each Week? We Were Too...
...So we developed an easy-to-use time clock interface into our software suite. The program is a stand-alone application that can be launched from either the POS or back-office. All clock in clock out entries made are automatically pushed to corporate where you can have complete control of them.
When reviewing the Time Clock In and Out Report, the methods used by employees to clock in/out are manual entry or a fingerprint. Someone forgot to clock out? No problem. You can edit their entry at corporate and correct any mistakes. Several formatting and grouping options on the reporting side give you the ability to export the data to CSV for import by your bookkeeper. Studies show that on average, an accountant spends 4-5 minutes per employee per week manually entering time clock details—can you really afford not to track employee hours digitally?
When reviewing the Time Clock In and Out Report, the methods used by employees to clock in/out are manual entry or a fingerprint. Someone forgot to clock out? No problem. You can edit their entry at corporate and correct any mistakes. Several formatting and grouping options on the reporting side give you the ability to export the data to CSV for import by your bookkeeper. Studies show that on average, an accountant spends 4-5 minutes per employee per week manually entering time clock details—can you really afford not to track employee hours digitally?
The Best Employee You'll Ever have!
Key Features Of Our Clock In And Out System
The clock in clock out process is intuitive, simple, informative, and secure! Employees simply enter their login ID and password, press the Login button, and then choose whether to clock in or out. If biometric security is being utilized, employees simply scan their fingerprint!

Improve your system’s security with a single fingerprint!

Whether you are new to FasTrax or an existing customer, you can benefit from biometric security. FasTrax offers secure systems with built-in fingerprint readers as well as stand-alone units. Check out our biometric fingerprint software for more information!