FasTrax Managed IT Service Providers
FasTrax has partnered with the largest managed IT service providers in the industry to bring you services that no other point of sale has available today. We have compiled an expansive list of offerings at below market value, all to help you maintain the continuity of your business’ IT infrastructure and ensure success.
Are You Prepared for a Disaster?
Have you ever had a hard drive go bad or lose important financial data? Do you have the security needed for PCI compliance? The FasTrax BDR takes snapshots of your server(s) every 15 minutes, sending nightly backups to redundant off-site data centers on both sides of the country. Should your server go down, the FasTrax BDR can take its place by virtualizing that inoperable server within 30 minutes of system failure. Along with backups, our RMM solution has been tailored for ESET Antivirus, providing the absolute best possible protection for your network.

Network Security & Management
We want to provide our clients with the best cutting-edge solutions with a managed service provider (MSP Services). With today’s technology and the need to manage the ever-trending Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) movement, FasTrax MSP Services has the tools to get the job done. Utilizing the industry leader in networking, we are now offering all flavors of appliances, including routers, firewalls, and even access points. All of this is backed by Cisco and supported by our certified in-house technicians.
Credit Card Processing Failover
Your internet-dependent credit card terminal can only be as productive as your internet connection. With a Verizon failover modem attached to your retail location’s internet router, you can be sure all transactions are processed fast and efficiently. Despite the continuous network outrages that plague cable and DSL service providers, you can rest assured during the frequent network outrages that you won’t miss a sale. Using the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE connection will give you the tools to continue business when your ISP cannot.

Lifeline Support
Each of our clients has access to the FasTrax Lifeline Control Center so your internal IT staff can monitor the state of your machines at any time. We package all of our POS systems and server solutions with remote access by TeamViewer so you can always access your machines from anywhere in the world at lighting fast speeds.
Contact a Sales Rep NOW!
Are you ready to receive the absolute best possible protection for your network? With FasTrax POS, you not only get the point of sale software we are famous for, but you can also rest assured that we have your network and data safely secured with the latest IT services by the best managed service providers.