FasTrax Director - A Total Enterprise Solution
We have worked hand in hand with our end users to ensure that everything you need to successfully run your chain is included and easily accessible.
Pricebook control, scheduled activities, employee management, inventory control, house/loyalty accounts, and buydown management are just a few of the areas of operation FasTrax Director Enterprise Solution will streamline for you as it offers the best back office solutions.

Our corporate suite was built for maximum pricebook versatility. You can have a single pricebook zone for all your stores, groupings of zones and stores, or an individual zone for each store—there is no limit to the number of pricebook zones we support. This form of grouping allows you the flexibility of managing prices for multiple stores from a central location without having to touch each store individually for changes. Since our pricebook module utilizes the industry-leading “tree views” form of item categorization, managing mass updated price changes for multiple items with a single click is not only efficient but painless!
The same application is run at both the store level (back-office) and management level to avoid any differences in screens and functionality. While all modules in FasTrax Director are permission-based per user, activities performed are tracked and reportable. At the management level, data is received from stores every 30 minutes, antiquating the act of waiting until the end of the day after “polling” just to run reports. All changes made at the management level can either be applied to your store(s) immediately or scheduled to be sent at a particular time, allowing you to queue known/expected changes before they happen, saving you time and effort!
Stop Missing Out on Manufacturer Incentive Money!
Prevent Third-Party Access to Data by Sending Scan Data Report to Manufacturers
Are You Participating in the Philip Morris/UST Loyalty Program?
If you are not yet participating in any of these programs, make sure to speak with your Altria and RJ Reynolds representatives!
The Best Employee You'll Ever Have!
Item Control
- Unlimited number of pricing/cost zones
- Mass change items by a variety of filters
- Attach an image to an item
- Buydown scheduling
- True mix-n-match and pik-pak pricing
- Flexible discount levels Build scheduled discounts to reduce items by $, %, Buy x Get y Free, and x Items for y Dollars. Discounts can also be prioritized to apply at specific quantities. Flexible Discount Levels
- PM Retail Scan Data. As a part of the PM USA 2015 Retail Leaders Program, retailers who choose to participate and provide PM USA transaction-level scan data may receive an incentive for meeting requirements. In preparation for the 2015 program launch, FasTraxPOS has completed certification with integration via the PM Retail Scan Data Incentive Report. PM retail scan data
Schedule Tasks
- Organize sales information and automate tasks
- Run tasks daily, on a specific day/date/time, weekly, or monthly
- Reports are conveniently organized in PDF form, and can be set to be sent to a specific email address via the corporate messenger utility.
- Generate orders by sales history
- Schedule orders to run automatically
- Take current inventory into account
- Rollup pack sales into cartons
- Review orders electronically
- Electronically send (EDI) to wholesaler
- Electronically receive order (EDI)
- Receive from purchase order
- Create "kits" containing multiple items
- See and apply cost changes
- Receive from corporate or store
- Flag unreceived items as on back-order
Manage Orders
- Automate the whole process of scheduling orders
- Electronically receive & review orders
- Electronically exchange data with the Wholesaler
- Orders can be generated by reviewing sales history
Price Change & Discounts
- View and apply price changes to thousands of products
- Prioritize discounts to apply for specific quantities
- Easily organize sales reports in PDF format